1、snapshot API 实现增量备份
To back up your cluster, you can use the snapshot API.
This will take the current state and data in your cluster and save it to a shared repository. This backup process is "smart." Your first snapshot will be a complete copy of data, but all subsequent snapshots will save the delta between the existing snapshots and the new data.
Data is incrementally added and deleted as you snapshot data over time. This means subsequent backups will be substantially faster since they are transmitting far less data.
1 个回复
laoyang360 - 《一本书讲透Elasticsearch》作者,Elastic认证工程师 [死磕Elasitcsearch]知识星球地址:http://t.cn/RmwM3N9;微信公众号:铭毅天下; 博客:https://elastic.blog.csdn.net
To back up your cluster, you can use the snapshot API.
This will take the current state and data in your cluster and save it to a shared repository. This backup process is "smart." Your first snapshot will be a complete copy of data, but all subsequent snapshots will save the delta between the existing snapshots and the new data.
Data is incrementally added and deleted as you snapshot data over time. This means subsequent backups will be substantially faster since they are transmitting far less data.
https://www.elastic.co/guide/e ... .html