$params['id'] = (string) Document ID (Required) ['index'] = (string) The name of the index (Required) ['type'] = (string) The type of the document (Required) ['consistency'] = (enum) Explicit write consistency setting for the operation ['fields'] = (list) A comma-separated list of fields to return in the response ['lang'] = (string) The script language (default: mvel) ['parent'] = (string) ID of the parent document ['refresh'] = (boolean) Refresh the index after performing the operation ['replication'] = (enum) Specific replication type ['retry_on_conflict'] = (number) Specify how many times should the operation be retried when a conflict occurs (default: 0) ['routing'] = (string) Specific routing value ['script'] = () The URL-encoded script definition (instead of using request body) ['timeout'] = (time) Explicit operation timeout ['timestamp'] = (time) Explicit timestamp for the document ['ttl'] = (duration) Expiration time for the document ['version_type'] = (number) Explicit version number for concurrency control ['body'] = (array) The request definition using either `script` or partial `doc` ['body'] = (array) Request body
1 个回复
rochy - rochy_he