Elastic Stack 6.0 发布 beta 版本啦!
资讯动态 • medcl 发表了文章 • 11 个评论 • 6469 次浏览 • 2017-08-09 10:29
头条新闻:Elastic Stack 6.0 发布 beta 版本了。 ... %3Dcn
注意啦,现在 6.0 还没 GA,不建议直接上生产环境,但是鼓励大家本地测试,和 5.0 一样,我们这次也有一个 Elastic Pioneer 活动,踊跃测试并发现 bug 的同学,可以获得 6.0 特殊纪念礼品一份,欢迎大家一起来捉虫,捉到的 Bug 直接在对应的 GitHub 上提交 issue,打上对应的版本 tag,如6.0.0-beta1 即可参与活动。
6.0 beta1 作为一个具备里程碑意义的版本,相比之前的 alpha 版本,又包含了哪些激动人心的新特性呢,下面我们分别来看一下吧。
Elasticsearch [下载] [6.0 Breaking Chages] ... eased
- Sequence numbers and fast recovery
- Search scalability
- Preventing full disks
- Removal of default passwords
- 优化 Profiling 的开销占用,进一步较少针对超时及查询取消的检查开销
- 提升 Percolator 的性能
- Upgrade Assistant and Rolling Upgrade Support
- Watcher UI for Threshold Based Alerts
- Experimental Kibana Query Language
- Refactoring of the Visualizations Code
- X-Pack Monitoring Email Notifications for Cluster Alerts
- Cluster Alert for X-Pack License Expiration
- New Colors to Improve Accessibility
- Full Screen Mode for Dashboard
- Pipeline Viewer
- Centrally manage configurations
- Ingest to Logstash convertor
$LS_HOME/bin/ --input file:///tmp/ingest/apache.json --output file:///tmp/ingest/apache.conf
Beats [下载] [Breaking Changes] ... eased
- Auditbeat
- New commands and configuration layout
$ metricbeat modules list
$ metricbeat modules enable redis
$ metricbeat modules disable redis
- Add Docker metadata to the Docker logs
- Internal pipeline refactoring
- Spark 2.2.0 and Stable Support for Spark Structured Streaming
- Support for new Join Fields
- Multiple Mappings and Multiple Index Reads
Elastic Stack 6.0 发布 beta 版本啦!
资讯动态 • medcl 发表了文章 • 11 个评论 • 6469 次浏览 • 2017-08-09 10:29
头条新闻:Elastic Stack 6.0 发布 beta 版本了。 ... %3Dcn
注意啦,现在 6.0 还没 GA,不建议直接上生产环境,但是鼓励大家本地测试,和 5.0 一样,我们这次也有一个 Elastic Pioneer 活动,踊跃测试并发现 bug 的同学,可以获得 6.0 特殊纪念礼品一份,欢迎大家一起来捉虫,捉到的 Bug 直接在对应的 GitHub 上提交 issue,打上对应的版本 tag,如6.0.0-beta1 即可参与活动。
6.0 beta1 作为一个具备里程碑意义的版本,相比之前的 alpha 版本,又包含了哪些激动人心的新特性呢,下面我们分别来看一下吧。
Elasticsearch [下载] [6.0 Breaking Chages] ... eased
- Sequence numbers and fast recovery
- Search scalability
- Preventing full disks
- Removal of default passwords
- 优化 Profiling 的开销占用,进一步较少针对超时及查询取消的检查开销
- 提升 Percolator 的性能
- Upgrade Assistant and Rolling Upgrade Support
- Watcher UI for Threshold Based Alerts
- Experimental Kibana Query Language
- Refactoring of the Visualizations Code
- X-Pack Monitoring Email Notifications for Cluster Alerts
- Cluster Alert for X-Pack License Expiration
- New Colors to Improve Accessibility
- Full Screen Mode for Dashboard
- Pipeline Viewer
- Centrally manage configurations
- Ingest to Logstash convertor
$LS_HOME/bin/ --input file:///tmp/ingest/apache.json --output file:///tmp/ingest/apache.conf
Beats [下载] [Breaking Changes] ... eased
- Auditbeat
- New commands and configuration layout
$ metricbeat modules list
$ metricbeat modules enable redis
$ metricbeat modules disable redis
- Add Docker metadata to the Docker logs
- Internal pipeline refactoring
- Spark 2.2.0 and Stable Support for Spark Structured Streaming
- Support for new Join Fields
- Multiple Mappings and Multiple Index Reads