在centos 7 上运行 kibana 7.14
执行 yarn start --allow-root,报错如下:
执行 yarn start --allow-root,报错如下:
[root@localhost kibana]# yarn start --allow-root
yarn run v1.22.11
$ node scripts/kibana --dev --allow-root
Marking config path as handled: dev
Marking config path as handled: plugins
Marking config path as handled: server
Kibana should not be run as root. Use --allow-root to continue.
server crashed with status code 1
watching for changes (9269 files)
np bld log [22:35:08.580] [info][@kbn/optimizer] initialized, 112 bundles cached
np bld log [22:35:08.581] [warning][@kbn/optimizer] only building [v8dark,v8light] themes, customize with the KBN_OPTIMIZER_THEMES environment variable
np bld log [22:35:08.582] [success][@kbn/optimizer] all bundles cached, success after 2.6 sec
1 个回复
tongchuan1992 - 学无止境、学以致用