Use bulk requestsedit Bulk requests will yield much better performance than single-document index requests. In order to know the optimal size of a bulk request, you should run a benchmark on a single node with a single shard. First try to index 100 documents at once, then 200, then 400, etc. doubling the number of documents in a bulk request in every benchmark run. When the indexing speed starts to plateau then you know you reached the optimal size of a bulk request for your data. In case of tie, it is better to err in the direction of too few rather than too many documents. Beware that too large bulk requests might put the cluster under memory pressure when many of them are sent concurrently, so it is advisable to avoid going beyond a couple tens of megabytes per request even if larger requests seem to perform better.
2 个回复
laoyang360 - 《一本书讲透Elasticsearch》作者,Elastic认证工程师 [死磕Elasitcsearch]知识星球地址:;微信公众号:铭毅天下; 博客:
逐步增加bulk size大小的值。
zqc0512 - andy zhou