There are two ways to change the heap size in Elasticsearch. The easiest is to set an environment variable called ES_HEAP_SIZE. When the server process starts, it will read this environment variable and set the heap accordingly. As an example, you can set it via the command line as follows: export ES_HEAP_SIZE=10g
Alternatively, you can pass in the heap size via a command-line argument when starting the process, if that is easier for your setup: ./bin/elasticsearch -Xmx=10g -Xms=10g
Ensure that the min (Xms) and max (Xmx) sizes are the same to prevent the heap from resizing at runtime, a very costly process.
Generally, setting the ES_HEAP_SIZE environment variable is preferred over setting explicit -Xmx and -Xms values.
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ClusterBlockException[blocked by: [FORBIDDEN/12/index read-only / allow delete (api)];]
There are two ways to change the heap size in Elasticsearch. The easiest is to set an environment variable called ES_HEAP_SIZE. When the server process starts, it will read this environment variable and set the heap accordingly. As an example, you can set it via the command line as follows:
export ES_HEAP_SIZE=10g
Alternatively, you can pass in the heap size via a command-line argument when starting the process, if that is easier for your setup:
./bin/elasticsearch -Xmx=10g -Xms=10g
Ensure that the min (Xms) and max (Xmx) sizes are the same to prevent the heap from resizing at runtime, a very costly process.
Generally, setting the ES_HEAP_SIZE environment variable is preferred over setting explicit -Xmx and -Xms values.